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  • Guidance on paths to take, resources to leverage, and best next steps to get where you want in your Salesforce Career. Resume review, interview prep, Certification prep, and curated trailmixes are just a few examples of services available.

  • Need help with your Salesforce org? We are available for contracting on short term Salesforce projects or ongoing retainer-based admin work. We can help you uncover what the most impactful next steps in your Salesforce environment are or simply help you maintain your org with best practices in mind.

  • Want to leverage AI in your business or in your career? We can help guide you on ways you can implement AI today to have more efficient outcomes.

Meet Isaac

Isaac’s passion is creating order from chaos. Whether that is within your Salesforce org or your Salesforce career path, he can help you make sense of where you are and where you need to go, guiding you to a better place.

With over 8 years in the Salesforce ecosystem, 10 Salesforce certifications and a variety of Salesforce roles under his belt he will use best practices and his experience to develop practical solutions for your unique and specific needs.